Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pyeongchang to host 2018 Winter Olympics!!!

Pyeongchang has successfully won the bid for the 2018 Winter Olympics!! The vote was held in Durban, South Africa this morning. I completely flipped my opinion on this bid over the last year. Originally I had been pulling for Munich, but I changed my tune more recently. My daughter started kindergarten this year and is learning Korean. Her school teaches Korean and our family has grown very fond of the country over the past year. I held no ill will for them before I had only preferred to see a different country selected after Pyeongchan's first two bids were unsuccessful. We watched the announcement live this morning and we are all very excited. 2018 is a long ways off but it is possible that this may be the first Olympics that I attend! 평창 축하합니다!

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