Sunday, November 21, 2010

John Furlong writes about hosting the 2010 WInter Olympics

From the Canadian Olympic Foundation:

The path to a successful 2010 Olympic Winter Games was one of the defining journeys in Canadian history. Against all odds, and by sheer force of will, one man’s vision prevailed and it changed our country. It prevailed because of a passionate, unrelenting drive, an unstinting conviction and a deeply shared sense of team.

From the hyper-motivated 2010 organization to the roughly 26,000 volunteers who persevered, and never gave up hope, to the 45,000-plus torchbearers whose relay reached Old Crow, north of the Arctic Circle, and ended with a deeply emotional moment as Rick Hansen carried the torch up a ramp into B.C. Place, this is a story about the Canadian spirit, and why it matters.

This is also a story of what sport, belief in country and strong leadership can achieve. It is John Furlong’s story, warts and all – an unflinching personal account that never loses sight of the welcoming an immigration officer gave John upon his arrival in Canada: “Make us better.”

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