Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Opening Ceremony

I watched the Opening Ceremony with my family and a few friends last night. We all enjoyed it very much! The commentary didn't seem as intrusive as it did with the Beijing 2008 Opening Ceremony and NBC put together a nice vignette leading into the broadcast. (I actually learned a few new things about Canada!)

We really liked that they included the "first nations" of Canada. It was great to see and learn about the many different cultures residing within the country.

The parade of nations was particularly fun this year because our daughter was very curous about all the different countries. We talked about everything from where they live in the world to the colors of their flags. I really enjoyed it!

The projection system and show they put on was awesome. My favorite parts where the whales swimming through the floor, the "beat poet" speaking about Canada, the depiction of Vancouver as a modern city, and the singing of the Olympic hymn.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I found minute of silence to honor Nodar Kumaritashvii particularly moving. I'm glad they they took the time to do so.

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